Custom Printed Socks and Arm Sleeves
Custom Printed Socks and Arm Sleeves

Tips to Maximize the Benefits of Custom Socks

19.07.18 12:59 PM Comment(s)

• Your legs are generally thinner during the morning so always put them on when you get out of bed so that getting it in is easier.

• The compression socks are always tighter than the simple socks which makes them easier to be put on. If you live in a drier climate then put them on after applying lotion to your legs as it would make the slide easier. A thin coating of baby powder will provide you with the same benefit.

• Always make sure that you have bought the right size for it to fit properly. The pressure needs to be greatest around the ankle and lessen up gradually. It should also be two inches below your knees and then heel area should also be taken better care of.

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